Potsize 12 cm
What makes this perennial special is that it flowers several times a year and for a considerable length of time: 4 to 6 weeks. Addenda® Campanula flower at least three times a year! They only 'sleep' in winter, after which the bell-shaped flowers return in all their glory. The plants stay beautifully green even when they are not in bloom. As a result, you will have an eye-catcher in your garden or on your patio or balcony all year long.
Campanula Adansa® is a lively whirlwind. Her star shaped flowers will lead you on a merry chase through your garden. It has a trailing habit with exquisite, tumbling tendrils that look amazing in pots and borders. But its true beauty will really shine if you place her in a hanging basket.
For its season-long sea of flowers, Campanula Adansa® demands very little in return. A semi-shaded spot, watering about twice a week and a little fertiliser once a month is all it needs. When it's really hot, water them every day. If you deadhead the plant, it will flower for longer.
Hebe Classica® Tricolor Purple
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Campanula Ambella White patio pot
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Campanula Adansa Purple hangpot
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Hebe Petita®
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Campanula Adansa Purple
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Campanula Ambella Pink
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Hebe Classica® Golden Katrina Purple
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