On International Women’s Day, we celebrate the achievements and combat of women around the world.
With the slogan ‚Strong is the new Pretty‘, we are targeting all women, as today 8th March is International Women’s Day. On International Women’s Day, we celebrate the achievements and combat of women around the world.
Women today are more powerful than ever. They have the power to make their dreams come true and achieve their goals. Our pink Campanula Ambella® Pink is a tribute to these women, to their determination and perseverance.
Addenda’s pink Campanula is not only a beautiful flowering plant, but also a symbol of strength and beauty. It is a plant that attracts attention with its intense pink flowers and sends a powerful message: „strong is the new pretty“. A strong plant that blooms again and again, year after year. Just like the women who work to achieve goals time after time, year after year.
Flowers capture the imagination, and if you listen carefully, you will hear what they say: love, warmth, gratitude and strength. The strong Campanula Ambella® Pink reminds women that they are strong and resilient, just like flowering plants that keep growing and blooming. Let’s celebrate women’s strength together and brighten up the garden with Addenda’s Campanula Ambella® Pink.
2023 bringen wir neue, nachhaltigere Etiketten für Campanula und Hebe auf den Markt. Damit sparen wir 40 % Material im Vergleich zum vorigen Etikett.
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